What you REALLY want to say...

Sometimes what you're really thinking changes between your brain and your mouth - a social filter often called tact. Here at Tact Optional, we aim to capture those inner, often much more entertaining, thoughts and place them on apparel and household items so that others can enjoy your inner monologue...

Featured Collections

Sarcasm Is My Spiritual Gift

For those that are truly gifted and not shy about sharing it.... 

Faster Than Something

Not everyone can be super human fast, but we can at least... 

Perfectly Plump

Pleasantly, Perfectly, Plump - own it! 


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  • Come Back Often!

    We will frequently put out new designs, new products, and also have some seasonal fun, so keep checking back for new products!

  • What's New?

    Our latest collections include Perfectly Plump, Sarcasm is my Spiritual Gift, and Sarcasm #nofilter... Check out all of our collections and see if one expresses your unfiltered thoughts!

  • Random Things

    “Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes.”
    —Jack Handy